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Terram is a Leader in Construction Products (And Probably Always Will Be): Here's How You Can Copy Their Success

Updated: Apr 9


Terram, a subsidiary of the Berry Global group, has carved its niche as a frontrunner in the provision of construction products. With its manufacturing heart in Maldon, Essex, United Kingdom, Terram has evolved into a global powerhouse, distributing geosynthetics materials across the civil engineering and construction industries.

Their product range is extensive, covering geotextiles for various applications such as roads, highways, rail trackbeds, coastal defenses, flood defense, and more, including specialized solutions for the rail industry and drainage systems. As the construction industry navigates through an evolving landscape, particularly with the rise of digital media, Terram stands out as an example of how to do digital marketing in construction products with true professionalism and attention to detail.

Section 1: Terram's Foundation of Success

At the core of Terram's success are innovation, quality, and exceptional customer experience. The company has made itself an indispensable part of the construction sector by consistently delivering top-tier products. This commitment to excellence has seen Terram set benchmarks within the industry with their flagship products.

Terram’s Geocells have been used for nearly two decades, with hundreds of successful projects completed. Their product is cost effective and their marketing makes sure that any prospective buyers are aware of the use cases, potential risks and have scores of examples of successful projects that can be shared with key decision makers to support buying decisions.

Section 2: Terram’s Pioneering Digital Presence

Terram's strategic embrace of digital media has significantly amplified its brand visibility and fostered deeper connections with its customer base. By making technical information and educational resources readily available — from case studies that boost search engine visibility to technical talks and a user-friendly website designed with engineers in mind — Terram has set a precedent in digital engagement.

Their regular updates on new products, alongside active social media engagement and digital marketing campaigns, exemplify how Terram leverages digital strategies and works to maintain its industry leadership.

Section 3: The Impact of Digital Media on the Construction Industry

The advent of digital media has revolutionized the construction industry, transforming business operations, enhancing customer engagement, and expanding market reach. Through the integration of digital strategies, companies have seen measurable benefits, including improved project efficiency, increased visibility, and stronger client relationships. Case studies and statistics further illustrate the positive impact of digital media adoption, showcasing a trend that is reshaping the construction sector.

Section 4: The Future is Digital

As digital trends continue to emerge, Terram is well-positioned to maintain its leadership by adapting to and embracing these innovations. The future of construction is digital, and Terram's proactive approach to digital media integration sets a benchmark for others in the industry. This forward-thinking mentality not only ensures Terram's continued relevance but also serves as a model for other businesses in the construction and construction products sectors to follow.


Terram stands as a beacon of success in the digital age, exemplifying how traditional industries can evolve and thrive through strategic digital media integration. While there's room for enhanced direct marketing strategies, particularly to key decision-makers within engineering consultancies, Terram's achievements offer a roadmap for others in the industry. The call to action for construction business owners is clear: to reflect on and invest in their digital media strategies, drawing inspiration from Terram's successful approach to navigating the digital landscape.

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