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How to Qualify Leads for Bespoke Home Services: The Example of Vale Garden Houses

Updated: Apr 9

In the countryside of England, nestled among flourishing gardens and historical estates, lies the heart of a remarkable transformation story in the world of luxury conservatories and orangeries. This is the tale of Vale Garden Houses, a beacon of innovation and craftsmanship in the industry, and how they leveraged the power of digital marketing to redefine their legacy and reach.


The journey began in 1982 when Dennis Morton, fuelled by a dissatisfaction with the available greenhouses, took on the challenge to design and build his own. With his wife Denise, son Simon, and daughter Lisa by his side, the Morton family birthed Vale Garden Houses. Their breakthrough came unexpectedly at the Chelsea Flower Show in 1984, leading to decades of recognition and respect in the UK for their dedication to period detail and architectural innovation. At the heart of their continuing success into the modern day lies a profound understanding and utilization of digital media and its role in lead generation and sales growth for businesses within construction and home services.

The Digital Success Story

Vale Garden Houses' journey is a testament to overcoming initial market challenges through the sheer power of superior craftsmanship, but their continued success into the 21st century demonstrates another set of attributes that make Vale Garden Houses continue to be successful.

Their digital strategy demonstrates a keen awareness of the process of lead generation in their industry: qualify, qualify, qualify.

“For those who appreciate the difference”

Vale are targeting a specific brand of homeowner. The journey from conservatory or any other significant home-addition is a long one, riddled with legal obstructions and, quite frankly, it can be quite a long and stressful experience for the unprepared. A project being done with the sophistication and quality that Vale are committed to providing requires making prospects aware of this fact straight away; delays and unanticipated costs and due to planning requirements and design changes, for example.

That is why customer concerns and objections are addressed head-on with a sophisticated web presence that not only draws in prospects through SEO but qualifies them through an intuitive sign-up process.

It takes a digitally savvy marketing team to reach their remarkable achievement of 2 million monthly views on Pinterest, but it takes wisdom and experience to know that creating process to qualify those leads quickly and efficiently is just as important. In doing this necessary work, expectations are managed and a lot of time is saved. Not doing this early qualification of leads can create a tremendous burden on sales teams who can be overwhelmed with leads that have been sold a dream.

The Power of Digital Media in Construction and Home Services

Today's market necessitates a robust online presence, a fact supported by numerous statistics and research. For the construction and home services sector, digital channels such as social media, SEO, and email marketing are not just tools but vital arteries for lead generation and customer engagement. Success stories like Vale Garden Houses and across various sectors highlight the transformative impact of organic channels like TikTok and Pinterest.

Business owners reading this now who have products with a high level visual appeal, like home renovation should be using these organic channels to market. There has never been a time like now when simply posting without using paid media has had greater potential.

Paid media strategies continue to deliver qualified leads when executed with precision, but the most effective digital funnels make use of organic traffic in combination with these channels.

Actionable Strategies for Your Business

Crafting a digital marketing strategy that resonates with your target audience requires a deep understanding of their needs and preferences. For businesses in the construction and home services industry, this involves a multi-faceted approach encompassing website optimization, engaging content creation, active social media presence, and analytics & feedback monitoring.

  1. Create a digital strategy that empathises with your ideal customer and addresses their real concerns and interests with regard to your products.

  2. Learn your customers real concerns by using a third party to do market research on your behalf (they’re not always going to give you honest feedback, so ask someone else).

  3. Educate your prospects with your content. By being authentic and giving them the information they need to make a buying decision you build trust, leave the salesy messaging to the shady used car salesmen.

Leveraging Technology and Tools

The digital marketing landscape is rich with tools and software designed to streamline and enhance marketing strategies. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, marketing automation platforms, and analytics tools are indispensable for tracking performance and optimizing strategies. Staying abreast of new trends and technologies is crucial, as is the willingness to adapt and innovate continuously.

New tools and tactics are introduced all the time. If you want to stay up to date, there are a lot of creators in this space that can keep you up to date but our LinkedIn newsletter might be a good place to start.


Vale Garden Houses' story is a compelling illustration of the transformative potential of digital media for businesses in the construction and home services sector. It's a call to action for those on the fence about digital marketing, highlighting its critical role in ensuring growth and competitiveness.

For those ready to embark on or elevate their digital marketing journey, the invitation is open to explore new strategies, tools, and insights that can propel your business to new heights.

For businesses eager to delve deeper into digital marketing, there is a wealth of resources here on our website and or on LinkedIn.

Go and look at Vale's Website yourself here:

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