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  • Writer's picturewilljpettifor

Google Search Ads: Get Straight to the Top of Google Search and Start Getting Leads from Day 1

When it comes to being found online, every business dreams of landing at the top of Google search results where visibility is highest.

While optimizing your website to naturally appear at the top (a process known as SEO, or search engine optimization) is crucial, it isn't always enough to guarantee immediate visibility or leads. This is where Google Search Ads come in.

Google Search Ads puts your business directly in front of potential customers right from day one. They work on a pay-on-results basis. So if you set it up wrong, and nobody clicks your link — you don't pay.

Step 1: Understanding Google Search Ads

First thing to do is understand the purpose of Google Ads and what makes them different from something like FaceBook ads or any other type of advertising.

Google Search Ads are a type of online advertising that allows your business to appear right at the top of Google's search results. Think of it as a fast track to the front of the line. You essentially pay to have your website shown above the organic search results, which are the non-paid results that appear when someone types a query into Google.

Step 2: Know the Key Features of Google Search Ads

Bidding: This is like an auction where you say how much you’re willing to pay each time someone clicks on your ad. The more you pay, the better your chances of appearing at the top and getting clicks.

Targeting: You can choose who sees your ads based on things like where they are, what kind of device they’re using, or what they’re interested in. This helps you reach the right people with your ads.

Formats: Your ad can show up in different ways, like a simple text ad that appears on search results or a more visual ad that might appear on other websites and not the Google results page.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Google Search Ad Campaign

(Basic) Step-by-Step:

1. Choosing the Right Keywords:

Keywords are the words or phrases that people type into Google when they're looking for something.

Pick keywords that your potential customers might use to find businesses like yours. For example, if you run a plumbing service, you might choose keywords like “emergency plumber” or “leak repair service”.

2. Crafting Compelling Ad Copy:

Your ad text should match what people are searching for. If they type “buy blue t-shirts,” your ad should talk about blue t-shirts, not just t-shirts in general.

Make sure your ad explains what makes your business special, like “Full Design and Build” or “24-hour customer service”.

3. Setting Up Conversion Tracking:

This is about knowing how well your ads are doing.

A conversion happens when someone does something you want them to do after clicking your ad, like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Conversion tracking helps you see what happened after someone clicked your ad.

Step 4 (optional): Tips for Optimizing Your Ad Performance

To get the most out of your ads, try different versions to see which one performs better, a process called A/B testing. Also, keep adjusting how much you’re willing to pay per click to find the best balance between cost and visibility.

Over time you will get more and more data about what works, improving your campaign performance and ROI over time. As your business grows, your ad strategy will need to grow too. Keep refining your keywords and targeting options, and increase your budget if you’re seeing good results. It’s all about staying relevant to what potential customers are looking for.


Google Search Ads are a powerful tool to help your business be seen by potential customers exactly when they're looking for the services or products you offer.

By understanding the basics, setting up your campaign thoughtfully, and continuously optimizing performance, you can start generating leads effectively from day one. Dive in, experiment, and watch your business grow!

By keeping everything simple and direct, this guide serves as an easy-to-understand introduction to the world of Google Search Ads, ensuring even those new to digital marketing can begin to leverage this powerful tool to benefit their business.

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