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  • Writer's picturewilljpettifor

Easy Lead Generation: 3 Things Every Construction and Home Services Business Should Be Doing to Get More Leads

In today’s digital age, the growth of your business is directly linked to how effectively you can generate new leads. But if you want to generate leads you have to do more than just attract people, you need to attract the RIGHT people. Whether you’re a plumber, an electrician, a home remodeling expert, or an architect, mastering the art communicating online for your lead generation will set you apart.

Here’s how you can do it with three proven strategies.

1: Writing Content Online

Creating engaging content is a powerful way to attract potential customers. This can be through:

Articles or Blog Posts

Start a blog where you provide useful tips, how-to guides, and industry insights that address common problems and solutions related to your service area. This establishes your authority and helps build trust with prospective clients.

Email Newsletter

Develop a regular email newsletter that delivers value directly into your prospects' inboxes. Share updates on new services, special promotions, or just regular content from your blog to keep your audience engaged and remind them of your expertise.

Social Media Engagement

Don’t just use social media platforms for announcements. Treat them as tools for educating your prospects about your services. Post regularly about behind-the-scenes work, customer testimonials, and useful home maintenance tips. Engaging with users through comments and messages also personalizes their experience.

2: Getting to the Top of Google Search

The majority of home service needs begin with a Google search. Being visible on Google can significantly increase your chances of attracting new leads. If you want to know how many, you just need to look up the search volume for "<your service> + <your town>" and you'll see how many leads you are missing out on every week by not having this set up.

Here's how you get started:

Publish Content to Web Pages

Ensure that your website is updated with fresh, relevant content. This helps Google recognize your site as a credible source of information and improves your search engine rankings.

Optimize Content for Popular Searches

Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find out what potential customers are searching for related to your services. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content to boost visibility.

Customer Search Habits

Spend time understanding how your customers search for services like yours. Tailor your content and incorporate the things they are searching for into your writing. This will help Google match you with the people you are trying to reach.

3: Posting More Video Content

Video content is rapidly becoming the most favored form of content consumption.

Video is Popular

Videos allow you to demonstrate your services dynamically and can be more engaging than text alone. Create how-to videos, before-and-after showcases, or quick advice clips to capture interest.

Become an Early Adopter

While platforms like LinkedIn are yet to be dominated by video content, they represent a growing opportunity. Being an early adopter on these platforms can give you a competitive edge and leave your competition scrambling to catch up.

Adoption Across Social Media

Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok thrive on video content. Tailoring content for each platform’s audience can help reach different segments of your target market. Making more long-form content for platforms like YouTube, for example.


Implementing these strategies can transform the way you attract and engage potential customers. Writing valuable content online establishes your credibility, optimizing for Google enhances your visibility, and embracing video content engages your audience more deeply.

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in not just reaching an audience but in converting their interest into tangible leads.

Start integrating these tactics into your marketing plan today, and watch as your business reaches new heights. Remember, the journey of enhancing your lead generation efforts is continual, and staying adaptive to changes in digital marketing trends is key to ongoing success.

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